Looe Neighbourhood Plan
NEWS AND EVENTSLooe Nighbourhood Development Plan published for Looe community to comment and add ideas.The Plan and consultation form can be found by clicking on these links: Consultation Form - Copy to print out and complete by hand.
Posted: 19 March 2019 Landscape Assesment Completed and In UseThe Looe Local Landscape Character Assessment (LLCA) has now been approved by the Steering Group and is being used as an input to the the Urban Edge Assessment being conducted by the Housing Working Group. This will give us pointers to the best places for small scale housing development and help develop policies to ward off inappropriate developments. To find out more about the LLCA, please click on the Evidence Base pages link on the right.
Posted: 4 September 2018 Working Groups get straight down to their tasks!Immediately after the Planning Workshop, (see below), the newly formed Working Groups had their first meetings, and all have met since, to plan their workload and start collecting evidence. Edwina Hannaford, acting Chair of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering group, said 'Thank you to all the representatives of local groups and organisations that gave their time and expertise to review the residents survey results, come up with their priorities for working groups and first look at a vision for the future of Looe. We now have 4 working groups proposed and will be looking for volunteers to undertake more in depth research, consultations and work up policies.
'The working groups are; 1. Economy 2. Housing 3. Shopping and access to services 4. Culture/heritage/tourism Edwina added that 'All working groups topics are connected and interdependent of course, so we also identified a number of cross cutting themes such as Infrastructure provision, affordability, our geography and environment & safe communities. If you would like to get involved please contact Looe Town Council with your contact details and working group preference. Posted: 13 September 2016 Neighbourhood Plan workshop hears feedback from community survey and focuses on the future for Looe.On 12th July a Neighbourhood Plan Workshop was held in the Millpool Centre to consider the feedback from the large scale community survey carried out in the spring and summer of 2016. Attendance was from a wide variety of invitations to community groups and organisations from all sectors of the town.The meeting aimed to:
An interim 'vision' for the future of Looe emerged: ‘A community that has revitalised its maritime and coastal based economy into one that brings prosperity to all and significantly reduces its impact on the environment, whilst maintaining its special character’ It was agreed to set up Working Groups to immediately start investigating and preparing new ideas for the future:
A copy of the full report of the day can be found here: Workshop Main Report Workshop Main Report Appendices 1 and 3 Workshop Main Report Appendix 2 Posted: 13 September 2016 First results from Community Survey releasedSome 495 people took part in the survey, sufficient to give us a 'statistically meaningful' view of what the community of Looe think are the important issues for the Neighbourhood Plan to deal with. The results will be a big input to the community working groups shortly to be set up to analyse the issues and propose ways of dealing with them. You can see the Community Survey analysis by clicking here.Posted: 12 July 2016 |
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