Looe Neighbourhood Plan
NEWS ARCHIVENeighbourhood Plan workshop hears feedback from community survey and focuses on the future for Looe.On 12th July a Neighbourhood Plan Workshop was held in the Millpool Centre to consider the feedback from the large scale community survey carried out in the spring and summer of 2016. Attendance was from a wide variety of invitations to community groups and organisations from all sectors of the town.The meeting aimed to:
An interim 'vision' for the future of Looe emerged: ‘A community that has revitalised its maritime and coastal based economy into one that brings prosperity to all and significantly reduces its impact on the environment, whilst maintaining its special character’ It was agreed to set up Working Groups to immediately start investigating and preparing new ideas for the future:
A copy of the full report of the day can be found here: Workshop Main Report Workshop Main Report Appendices 1 and 3 Workshop Main Report Appendix 2 13 September 2016 |
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