Looe Neighbourhood Plan

Looe Neighbourhood Plan


What is Sustainable Development? In a nutshell: meeting the community’s needs of the present without harming the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

To get the best outcome for our Town, our Neighbourhood Plan should try to meet the needs of the people who live, work and visit Looe in a way that supports sustainable development.

The guiding principles of sustainable development that our Neighbourhood Plan should follow are:

  • Living within the planet’s environmental limits – by protecting and enhancing our natural and man-made environment, and responding to climate change.
  • Ensuring a strong, healthy and just society – by meeting present and future needs for the housing, work and services that support the wellbeing of all our community.
  • Achieving a sustainable economy – by supporting actions that build prosperity for all and use resources wisely.
  • Promoting good governance – by ensuring that we are all involved in creating the Looe Neighbourhood Plan.

You can find out more about what sustainable development means by looking at the National Planning Policy Framework.

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