Looe Neighbourhood Plan

Looe Neighbourhood Plan

How we are organised -> Steering Group Members

Members of the Looe Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

Chair - Cllr Mrs Edwina Hannaford (Cornwall Council and Looe Town Council)

Project Manager - Steve Besford-Foster (Unaligned, non-voting)

Sheila Brock (Governor of Looe Community Academy)

Cllr David Bryan (Looe Town Council)

Cllr Jimmy Dingle (Looe Town Council and West Looe Town Trust)

Ross Fisher (SECTA)

Andrew Gill (Business / member of Public)

Susannah Gill (Business / Member of Public)

Kate Jackman (Deputy Headteacher of Looe Community Academy)

Michael Jackman (Member of the Public)

Dr Kathy Lang (Looe Harbour Commission)

James Lundy (Member of the Public)

Cllr Chris Rose (Looe Town Council)

Justin Spreckley (Looe Development Trust)

Laurie Tansley (Member of the Public)

Cllr Armand Toms (Cornwall Councillor and Looe Town Council)

Edmund Wilson (Looe Strategy Group)

Agenda and Minutes of Meetings   |   Documentation

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