ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENTStrategic Environmental Assessment
Environmental, social and economic issues are fundamentally the business of the Looe NDP to deal with. The Looe NDP Steering Group have therefore proposed to do a full Strategic Environmental Assessment in parallel to the production of the Looe NDP to ensure that the policy choices made in the Plan are the most appropriate of possible alternative approaches to the issues. This will be completed before the NDP is formally submitted to Cornwall Council
The SEA of the Looe NDP will test its Vision, Objectives and Policies against a framework based on the sustainability principles set out in the NPPF, in order to consider how alternative approaches perform against 8 key sustainability objectives, these being :
- Climate Change
- Biodiversity and GeodiversityLandscape
- Historic Environment
- Land, Soil and Water Resources
- Population and Community
- Health and Wellbeing
- Transportation
The SEA presents a valuable opportunity to identify chances to mitigate against any potential negative impacts and to enhance positive outcomes for Looe.
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